Sunday, September 11, 2016

First Day of Preschool

I started with Grayson - he was excited to have his "first day".  

Hayden, on the other hand, wanted to run around naked..... 
She wouldn't let me put her dress on.

Heading into school brought a flashback from two years ago when I dropped Grayson off in the 2's class and Ryan in the 4's (same rooms & teachers too!) And FYI the class rooms are at complete opposite ends of the school. Of course back then I had Hayden in it's a little easier without the newborn!

Hayden was so excited to be going to school, especially at the SAME school that she has dropped her brothers off so many times before. She ran down the hallway, deposited her belongings in her cubby, gave me a hug and a kiss and ran in her classroom. Seriously. This girl was so ready! I was actually quite impressed because none of the kids were crying - they were all pretty darn happy! 

She ran in and found some toys to play with...

Then it was Grayson's turn! We trekked all the way to the other end of the school to his classroom...

We love Ms Karen & Ms Liz. Ryan had them two years ago.

After school we were suppose to go to Grayson's 4 year checkup but I got the appointment time mixed up and missed it. Oopsies! So we went to Monster Yogurt instead....I am sure they enjoyed this much more than the doctors office...and shots!

Little cuties had a great first day! 

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