Friday, August 5, 2016

Montana 2016

We love our yearly trip to visit Kevin's parents in their summer home up in Montana and this year was no different! This year we had no problems with our flight to Kalispell - yay! (last year's debacle)

We got to the house around 5pm and the kids were so excited! Their cousins were so sweet and decorated the house for Ryan's birthday - when he got there he was able to run through the "hangy things" that mommy forgot to do this year at home. 

First stop - Raspberries!

Then down to the lake...

Ethan took both boys out on the kayak. 

The next morning we started off in the orchard...picking cherries!

Then some tubing out on the lake.

And that night we had Ryan's birthday dinner....he requested salmon.

On Friday the guys went fishing so we took the little kids into Polson for the farmers market. 

When we got home we had some more lake time...

Hayden loved going out in the paddle board and kayak! She was so still I wasn't sure how she felt about it but when I brought her back in she didn't want to get we went out again.

Saturday was the annual Rollins BBQ
Ate yummy food then played out in the grass catching grasshoppers and play Red Rover. 
That afternoon we headed out on the boat. The water was a little rough so we ended up finding a little cove and ALL jumping in! AHHHH...I'm cold thinking about it now!

On Sunday morning my parents arrived. Kevin, Grayson and I headed to the airport to pick them up. When we got back Mary had made a yummy egg casserole. We had brunch and then took my parents out on the boat...and did a little cliff jumping!!!

It doesn't look that high from down on the boat, but when you are up there it feels pretty darn high! I cheated a little and jumped from a little lower. Good enough for me :)

I would have probably done it again or possibly even from higher up BUT it was SO COLD!!! I just wanted to jump and get back in the boat. 

That night we went into Lakeside and ate at The Tamarack. There is a little creek outside and the kids loved playing in it. Grayson ended up falling in....oops!

Everyone smiling!!!

When we got home the adults went on a little boat cruise while Ethan held down the fort at home! 

On Monday we headed up to Whitefish.

My new favorite smile. Love it when she will "cheese" for the camera. 

And of course we did the alpine slide. Well, almost all of us. Grayson wanted nothing to do with it this year...I tried everything to make him go but he had made up his mind and wasn't budging. Hayden, on the other hand, was all about it! 

I loved going down with her because she giggled the entire way! Kevin took video of it when he went with her...I will have to post! 

We ate some lunch at the resort and then headed into Whitefish town for ice cream at Sweet Peaks. Afterwards one of the cars headed home and the rest of us did a little window shopping. 

When we got home we played outside...and the kids climbed on the roof. 

Fresh cherry pie - with cherries we picked from the orchard! 

On Tuesday we did a little morning walk/run...
This is the spot where Mary and Mike found a bear one time...just eating apples from the tree. #NBD

My dad, Kevin and I did a run...the view and temperature were pretty amazing. 

The Hales headed back to Dallas that evening so we hung out on the lake while Kevin's parents took them to the airport. 

Check out that wetsuit!

doing a little fishing...

Hanging with Papu

Our last day was Wednesday and we headed up to Glacier National Park to hike the Avalanche Lake Trail. It was a tad rainy...and a bit chilly. 

Grayson walking with his grandpa's

Although he didn't whine nearly as much as I had anticipated...he did get carried quite a bit. 

And thats a wrap! Another wonderful vacation with family in Montana!

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