Saturday, June 4, 2016

Belize Family Trip - pt 1

It's officially summer at the McDonough house and we kicked it off with a family trip to Belize!
Little lady H was in denial about being a lap child - as soon as we got to our seats she claimed one and buckled up! And put on her flying glasses? She takes flying very serious. 

Once we landed in Belize city we took a teeny tiny plane over to San Pedro (Ambergris Caye). 

You can't really tell in this picture but there is no copilot - that's a passenger next to the pilot. That doesn't make me nervous at all. 

Once we landed in San Pedro a boat from the resort was suppose to pick us up but there was a little confusion on who we were (the McDonough family in a Vassilaros vacation) so we ended up just grabbing a taxi. 
Welcome drinks

My parents were in the midst of a wedding when we arrived...the wedding was for a daughter of one of my mom's good the invitation was extended to all of us. They actually invited everyone that was staying at the resort - which was basically all their guests with the exception of two or three rooms. 
Kevin and I ordered food for the kids in the room and once they were fed and in bed asleep we snuck out to the reception. (The resort is small, so it was like going to a party in your backyard.) We had a great time but called it quits at 11pm - apparently the party went on past 4am. 

The next morning the kids were up bright and early. 
And ready for action. 

Pool to themselves! It was about 8am....

After a morning at the pool we took the golf carts in to town to eat at Palapa Bar & Grill

This place was awesome because it is actually out on the water. If you are feeling it you can even jump in and float on inner tubes. They send buckets of beer down via pully system. I could get on board with that.

We discovered that Hayden isn't a fan of boardwalks/wood over water. If she can see water underneath her she doesn't like it. She wanted to get down and play all lunch long but the second my dad would set her down she would look through the cracks and see water and freak. It was actually kinda nice to have her sit still for once. 

Watermelon juice.

After lunch we headed back to the resort for rest time. Hayden took a nap and the boys watched a movie before heading back to the pool.  

Claire and Steve were getting in so we eagerly waited for them on the beach. 

When their boat pulled up Grayson ran as fast as he could to meet them - Hayden took off too but as soon as she made it to the boardwalk she changed her mind. Ryan started to run, wasn't sure if it was really them and then decided to wait for confirmation before committing to the run. 
Coconut throwing...better than rocks. 

We basically headed to dinner once they arrived. We took the golf carts to Rain

Yiayia and her sweet little grandsons. 

The whole crew

More watermelon juice.

On Monday my dad set up a boating trip for us - snorkeling, fishing and lots of fun!

A little snorkeling at Coral Gardens...

Uncle Vassi keepin' it safe

The guide "snorkeled up some conch" to use for fishing bait.

The guys did a little fishing before we made our way to Caye Caulker.

While the captain prepared our fish for lunch we hung out at The Lazy Lizard at The Split on Caye Caulker.

Hanging at The Split

When lunch was ready we headed over to a "private beach" and while that sounds amazing, it wasn't all that snazzy. I don't have pictures of it, but if your guide ever tells your about taking you to a private beach, make sure its not the one next door to Lazy Lizard. We were starving and the kids were getting tired so we ate and then headed back to the resort. 

Rum punch for the adults! Punch for the kiddos. Successful day!

When we returned the kids played longer in the pool and the girls went to grab pizza for everyone from V Bar. We may or may not have shared a bottle of wine while waiting for the pizza...


  1. awesome pictures. Belize is a very beautiful place to visit. everyone should visit Belize trip with your friends or family and have a lots of fun. Thanks for sharing beautiful pictures. Belize tours

  2. Here the lighting is a little brighter than lounge setting, and you can sit at one of their many tables, or grab a seat by the bar. With a large menu of beers, you might have trouble picking just one. The music at event venues Chicago is always upbeat with a mixture of rock and pop, and the food menu is large as well as their seating.
