Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Chicago (Weekend Wrap-up)

This past weekend Kevin and I headed to Chicago!
Well, Kevin and Colin had a super exciting work conference so Lindsey and I said..."sounds great, we will be there!" And Mk's husband has work there it turned into this amazing wonderful girls/husband trip!

Lindsey and I flew out Friday morning and after a slight delay at DFW (it was ok because we had yummy brunch at Pappasito's complete with a bloody mary) we made it!
We headed to our hotel and then caught up with Mk and hit up the Miracle Mile. 
After a little shopping we headed to dinner at Tanta. It was delicious!

After dinner Juice met up with us! We headed to a couple of bars with everyone...
We found the hulk...and then someone photo bombed up! Oye!
And then we went to Three Dots and a sassy. We waited in line for a good 30 minutes...and Kevin was none too pleased...but the rest of us were fine with it. Anyhow, once we got inside we had lots of fun...and waited another 30 minutes to get a fancy drink. but I suppose it was worth it. They incredibly strong and incredibly pretty...and that's what matter, right? I can't answer that since I actually stuck to beer...oh but not an ultra...they were way too cool for that. :)

Anyhow, the next day we did lots of relaxing. Since my internal clock does not allow me to actually sleep in I still woke up nice and early...but since there was no child screaming in the other room I allowed myself to just relax in bed...lay there checking out stuff on my ipad and mixing it up with a little TV...oh yeah, it was heavenly. At about 11am we decided we should meet the world so we got up and out. Kevin met Juice and friends and I went shopping and to lunch with MK. 

And after lunch it was nap time again. Yes, I realize this might sound incredibly lazy and uneventful for someone else, but I LOVED it. After some downtime we met everyone at a sports bar to watch the UT game. 
Hanging out at American Junkie....having some beers!
We had a great time and Mk and I headed back around 11pm. Brian and Kevin stayed to watch them game (it was delayed 3 hours because of rain) but made it back around 1:30am...thank you for the wake up call boys! Anyhow Sunday rolled around and I felt amazing...Kevin and I walked around the city, hit up a pizza joint for brunch then headed to the airport. It was so great to get home and see the boys! Grayson started standing by himself and is really starting to walk so much more! We grabbed some dinner and put the sweet little men to bed! Such a great weekend!


Oh...and who watched the boys? Well, I give you exhibit A & B. 

Yes, both of our parents were off together...doing a little cooking Bali. yeah yeah. Must be nice!
Lol! It was actually really cool for Kevin's parents to meet up with mine on vacation....but back to us....
and our kids...
So we are so lucky to have such amazing family! Kevin's sister (and family) took the boys Friday night! They went to Michaels work party at BCG and had a blast! 

Afterwards, Lyla read Ryan & Audrey a bedtime story! So cute! Clearly Ryan LOVES it! On Saturday Demaris picked the boys up and headed back to our house with them. They played and went to a halloween party on Sunday! I think they had a great time! So happy that we have such great family/friends that can watch out kiddos! 

Great weekend with K sizzle and friends! 

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