Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ryan's first day of PreK-3

Ryan's first day of preschool for three year olds! He was so excited - which is awesome. It always breaks your heart if your little one screams when you leave (which happened almost all of last year), but this year he was ready and excited! yay!

It took us a while to get our schedules figured out...this year Ryan will go to school three days a week. He will go to his new school on Tuesday's and Thursdays, and then he will go to his old school on Wednesdays (Grayson will also go!). 

And of course I took more than one picture...He is just so darn cute!
After our photos we packed it up and drove to school (seriously its like 3 blocks away....but it's SOOO hot outside and we were running a wee bit know, photos). 

Out of the car and carrying his OWN stuff! This is big boy stuff - he never did this before!

In the hallway outside of his classroom - we found his cubby and put his stuff in it. 

And then he was off....

And when I went to pick him up afterwards he ran up to me and gave me a huge hug! So sweet! He said he had so much fun and he was excited to go back on Thursday. Such a sweetie!

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