Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

Ryan LOVES helping! When he gets to help he gets very excited and grabs his little chair...and pushes it across the room to the kitchen. It squeaks a horrible noise but he will not allow any help so you have to just let it happen. Anyhow, after I measure everything I let him pour it into the bowl, which he thinks is pretty great. I even let him try and egg. Clearly, I didn't quite think that one through. I cracked the egg then gave it to him to open into the bowl...Instead of just letting it fall out, he quickly crushed it in his sweet little hands. I didn't expect that. I think he was trying to squeeze the egg out...so we had a little bit of shell but who doesn't like a little shell??

Daddy's breakfast
Anyhow, Kevin was please with the final product. 

And Ryan approved - he cleaned his plate, which doesn't happen often. Although it does happen often with sweets. hmmm....

After breakfast we went on a little walk and played at the park for a bit. While Grayson napped Ryan and I baked a cake for daddy. Once again...very exciting stuff. 
When we put it in the over Ryan pushed his chair over there so he could watch it bake. "Look Mom - it's getting bigger" he kept yelling! So cute!

After nap time we decorated it. It was great that I could set the cake in the sink for him to decorate...I am sure you can imagine how messy a toddler with sprinkles is. 

So happy!

And for dinner we had Joe and the Hale's come over. We had brats with sauerkraut per Kevin's request. Great day with friends and family! 

So thankful for Kevin - he is such a wonderful daddy to these boys! We are so lucky to have him!

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