Saturday, May 11, 2013

Headed to the beach...

So Saturday morning rolls around and little G wakes up with a fever. Yikes! My poor little baby has never had a REAL fever. It was 101/102 so I knew he probably didn't feel so great. We were already a tad nervous about his flying behavior as he is a little more energetic than his brother but now adding the fever made us worry a tad more. 
Oh well. 
We had to suck it up.
We made it to the airport and had time to play in the play area. genius. 

Loving it. 

Pilot Ryan

Then we boarded our teeny tiny plane. Yeah...not a huge fan, but my little bug enjoyed it. 
I mean..check him out! He's adorable. Such a relaxed flyer...
 And the good news was that my little tiny bug slept the whole time! We totally didn't expect that!

The plane had two seats on one side and one on the other. Grayson could only be on the side with two seats so Kevin and I switched back and forth. 

 It was a SUPER easy flight. Now for the hour drive...
Ryan decided he wanted to help. He was really into pushing Grayson in the stroller. 

I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Kevin and his minivan. I swear he loved family vacations because he gets to rent a minivan. Anyhow, we made the hour drive and Grayson fell asleep AGAIN! My poor little guy felt so yucky but we were so happy that he was able to sleep. 

We finally arrived around 6pm and got settled. Claire, my mom and I headed to the grocery store to get food for the week and then we all headed to bed somewhat early. The next morning we had a yummy breakfast and best of all...woke up to the beautiful beach! With a mimosa...greatness!

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