Monday, May 13, 2013

Carillon Beach

This year we joined my family in Carillon Beach for a week getaway and we all had a blast. I was a little nervous leading up to it because the weather didn't look too promising but it ended up warming up for us and we has such a wonderful time!
Carillon Beach is about five minutes east of Rosemary Beach.  It's a super cute gated beachside community with adorable little houses. All of them have a house name - we stayed in Bahama Mama. It was  fun to walk around and and read all the house names. We decided if my parents had one they would name it The Sizzle Shack. (Or at least Bob would...) Anyhow, the houses were cute, the only thing that was a little disappointing was the town center...and it may have just been because we were there "between seasons" but who knows. I think it could use a little sprucing up. There really isn't much going on - only one shop (your typically beach stuff), a restaurant, a gym and a yoga center. There is also a hotel. There was a candy shop but it was NEVER open! Seriously....we walked up there at least four different times and it was always closed. We even checked their facebook page for their hours...which were incorrect. woomp woomp. We loved checking out all the adorable shops in Rosemary and Seaside so it would have been awesome if Carillon had something along those lines.

Anyhow, onto the house. It did not disappoint - seriously amazing! The place is clean and so organized. There was so much space - each couple got their own room and bathroom and we didn't even need to use the loft with the extra beds. The kitchen was amazing. I know, who really cares about a kitchen when you are at the beach but it was just so well stocked and had such high quality items. You really felt more like you were at home versus someones "extra" house where they just put a hodge-podge of old stuff. Plus it was so organized which made it so easy to find things! I even took pictures so that I could do the same thing in our new house! lol!

The week started off a little too cold to really hang out on the beach cold. Boo. Ryan still wanted to go down to the beach so we did...and he loved it...even though his teeth were chattering.  Each morning we played down at the beach from about 9am to 11am (while Grayson napped). When he woke up we headed to the house to hang out in the pool and eat lunch. It was so nice being right on the beach...especially dealing with naps!
Ryan's Uncle's buried him in the sand...and surprisingly he didn't freak out. 

 And then we buried Uncle Steve...which was fun for him until Ryan kept knocking sand into his mouth/nose and ears. Yum. 

G bug did make it down to the beach...and he thought it was pretty cool. 

Checking out the ocean with daddy. Ryan LOVED the ocean! He would put his floaties on and just lay on his stomach floating over the waves...with a big ol grin. 

Hanging out with Papu watching Finding Nemo

Hanging with Uncle Nick

We got donuts from the donut truck one morning...we had to drive (instead of biking like we did last year) but it was a little chilly so that was ok. 

Building sandcastles with Papu...a little misleading since Ryan wasn't really all that into the whole sandcastle building. Little does he know Papu is one of the best sandcastle builders ever! He will love it soon enough. 

We headed up to a park to try and get some pics of the boys...this was the best one I got. I use to think getting one pic of Ryan was hard...but trying to get two kids looking at the same time is much more difficult. Especially since one of them is usually crying or complaining.
 Hanging on the porch. This boy is obsessed with balloons...and this jumper! So happy!
Of couse they had a ton of matching jammies and outfits but I didn't do a good job getting pics of it all. Oh well!

The grocery store was basically across the street which was super convenient as we ended up making quite a few trips over there. We ate most of our meals at home which was so nice especially since we had the two kiddos! We did get out twice for dinner. Our first dinner out we ventured into Panama City...which was a mistake. The owner had a list of restaurants and one called The Back Porch was on it. Since it wasn't a chain I assumed it would be ok but it really wasn't anything great and it was in Pier Park...which is basically a Spring Breakers haven. Let's just say it wasn't really our thing...

Anyhow, on Thursday night we got a sitter from Nanny Can and all the adults went into SeaSide for a yummy dinner at Bud & Alley's. It was delicious and totally made up for the horrible restaurant choice before! 

The last place we ate was George's - which is one of my favorite places! We headed there for lunch and it was delicious! 

 Headed to dinner at Bud & Alley's

 Family pics
 and with Kevin
One of our after dinner walks to the candy shop...that wasn't open. Good thing Ryan enjoyed the walk and didn't seem to notice that the candy store wasn't open. That probably won't fly next year...
Oh and by the way Ryan has decided that he loved to push the stroller. Grayson is such a trooper. I guess he doesn't really have a choice in the matter. 

 Just a couple shots of my little bugaroo!

 Action shot...

Isn't this place beautiful??? The walkovers were so picture perfect...

My boys...

Such a fun family trip! We had such a great time and can't wait to do it again next year!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good trip! Next year you have to try The Red Bar. It's further west on 30A, but it's awesome. Excellent food and drinks.

    Lunch soon?

