Friday, March 29, 2013

Animal Eggs

Ryan was fascinated with dying eggs this year. I found an adorable little egg animal decorating kit at Target and was excited see what he though. I wasn't sure how long it would interest him - but he loved it! He definitely wanted to be much more involved with the egg dying that I expected. And it was also a lot messier than I ever recall...
 He checked on all the eggs as they were soaking in the colors...over and over again.

 While we dyed some we started working on the two animals that used white eggs - the panda and the zebra.

Drawing stripes for the tiger! And a nose and mouth...

His egg jungle! 
We only lost one in the process and it was at the very end. He was very upset/annoyed that the giraffe and the zebra only had one eye...he really really wanted to give them two. 
He loves showing his eggs to everyone AND also loves peeling them. If you need someone to help you peel eggs Ryan is your man...although speed (or quality for that matter) isn't his focus. It's just the joy that it brings him. Seriously...sit him down with an egg and he is good for 30 minutes. 

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