Saturday, February 23, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

So I meant to post this last week...but as you can tell I didn't quite get it done. Story of my life lately...

Somehow I got it together and pulled together some Valentine Day goodies for the boys! Nothing crazy...just some sweets, a couple of stuffed animals and a Leap Pad game for R. Clearly G cannot enjoy the sweets but he really loved the balloon! We also made some Valentine's for Ryan to give away at school and to his play group buddies. I wanted to come up with something creative on my own but in the end I ran out of time so I turned to pinterest.

Enjoying some skittles!

The boys wore their matching Guadaloopy Design Valentine Octopus shirts and I attempted to get a good picture of them both. It's hard. 

At playgroup we had more sweets!


When we got home daddy was already there preparing dinner! He grilled out steaks and served roasted potatoes and green beans - yummy! And of course Grayson was super pumped for his dinner as well...little man loves real food!

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