Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Building Vandy - Update

We have walls! Yay! The past two week things have really started to pick up - which is all very exciting for us! The walls took about a week to complete. Once they installed the sheetrock they had to go back and cover all the seams with some sort of drywall tape/putty.  They guys were pretty impressive to watch - really at any phase of the home building - they just do things so quickly and effortlessly. Anyhow, our ceilings are pretty high so these guys were walking around on stilts like it was no big deal. I still don't quite understand how you get up in those stilts...Anyhow, once the seams were filled they sprayed the walls with texture and wa - la!

While this was going on inside another crew was prepping the exterior for stone and stucco. The stone arrived about a week ago and both Kevin and I were a little skeptical. Our builder had suggested we find houses that we liked in the area (or online) and he could order based on what we liked - so that's what we did. We found a house that used stoned we really liked and sent him a picture (and address) and he ordered based on that - but the stone sitting out front didn't look like it! Mini freak out. Apparently it looks a lot different once it is actually cut and stacked on the house - and of course Jeff was right. Whew!
Kevin and I were both happy with the end result of the stone, which is Austin Stone in cream and nicotine - it definitely has more color than we originally thought. They have been working on the stone all week and it really looks great!
There will also be stone around the garage door. The top half of the house is stucco - we still need to pick a color. You can also see that they installed the garage. This was a surprise - we just picked it out last week! They still have to stain it but that will happen later.

And while all this was going on at the house we were still having meetings and making final selections. We have had two meetings to go over all of the cabinets/built-ins which are basically now finalized.  We also made final decisions on lighting and on trim - including baseboards, window and door casings and crown moulding. So many decisions!

Next up in paint (which I know can be tricky) and hardware (ugh...not excited about that one).

They are installing the flooring this week and next week they will start on the trim.

Lastly, the move in date has been pushed back to late April (from mid-April) with the main reason for delay being that subs are difficult to get (because building has picked up so much!). Anyhow, hopefully it won't continue to get pushed back and we will be in by the start of May! Here's to hoping!

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