Sunday, February 24, 2013

Building Vandy - Stone

The have basically finished the stone on the exterior and we love it! 
We decided to do a mix of stone and stucco because we really loved the way it looks plus it saves money.  It's crazy expensive to do an entire exterior in stone - that's why you mostly only see it on the front of houses (something I never really paid attention to until now.) The front of the house was originally proposed to be all stone but we really loved the way stucco mixed with it - so we changed it up a little which we really love. We decided to do stucco on the side of the house because no one really sees it, it's not really a focal point and we were able to save some money - hooray! We did use more stone in the courtyard and backyard since those were places that were important to us. 

This is the courtyard...the wall on the right is the back of the garage and the left is the dining room. 

This is the other wall in the courtyard

And the back of the house...

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