Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lunch with Uncle Steve & Claire

When we were in Houston last week my brother and his girlfriend, Claire, took Ryan out for lunch! It was so sweet of them and I am pretty sure Ryan loved it - he is kinda obsessed with his Uncle Steve (Claire too!).  I am pretty sure this was Ryan's first lunch date with someone other than his parents or grandparents.
They took him to get a burger at MOOYAH and then next door to Tutti Frutti for some yogurt. I should mention that they also got him a banana milk shake at lunch (which is basically all he ate for lunch). Steven said he wanted milk...and since he is the 'cool' uncle he thought why not a milkshake? Uncle Steve is always up for giving Ryan sweets any time of the day....M&Ms for breakfast...why not? I can't wait for him to have kids so I can sugar them up too :) That's what uncles are for!

Anyways - the whole thing was so cute and so sweet of them to do. Not to mention that I got a little break :) Thanks guys!

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