Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Last week Kevin was traveling for work and for a bachelor party so I packed up the boys and we headed south to Houston! My mom is awesome and she flew to Dallas so that she could drive with us to Houston - isn't she the best? I would not have been able to do it without her - it's just too hard with two kiddos! (Really, its the young one that makes it difficult because we have to stop and eat.) We are lucky to have a Yiayia that loves us and wants to see us that much! The trip down wasn't bad. I sat in the back between the two of them and they actually each took a two hour nap. When Ryan woke up he played with the iPad and I entertained Grayson until we had to stop so I could feed him. He was definitely ready to be out of his car seat by the end... but we made it so we were happy :)

The weather in Houston was yuck - although I am not sure it was much better back in Dallas. It rained nonstop the first two days we were there so we had a lot of snuggle lounge time (which was made better by having Yiayia and Uncle Steve around).  The first morning we were there I took the boys over to a friends house for a little play date. 
I didn't get a picture of Ryan and his friend Holt (they are only four days apart) but I got these little dudes - Grayson  and Jett (they are two weeks apart). Shea and I went to the same high school but never actually hung out until now - our moms have been friends forever though! I love having play dates and talking with mommies - and her two kiddos are adorable and so sweet. 
Ryan loved hanging out in Houston. He loved it when Uncle Steve came home from work and would follow him around for the rest of the evening. Every night he was so excited to feed Macy! He would also fill Bobs dish up, even though it usually didn't need it. 

Another big change was that Ryan slept on a "Big Boy" bed...kinda. I thought I bought a toddler size air mattress but it was actually a twin - so a little larger than I planned. I got him Mickey mouse bedding so he would be excited - and he was. He loved the idea of being in the big boy bed which was pretty exciting. THe first night he got up about 10 times and opened the door.  I just stood outside of it and every time he peeked out I told him to go back and he did. Finally he gave up and went to bed. The next night he only got up three times, and then after that he just went straight to bed. The only downfall was that he did fall off the bed in the middle of the night and would cry. Not because it hurt, but I think because he was scared. Anyhow, it ended up kinda being a pain for me because I was up with Grayson and then in between those times Ryan would wake me up. Goodness. I ended up borrowing Mks pack n' play so that Ryan could just sleep in that...which worked perfectly. We plan to move him to his big boy bed in our new house so hopefully by that time Grayson will be sleeping though the night!
When the weather finally cleared up on Thursday we took the boys out for a morning jog and we also stopped at the park. Ryan had so much fun running around chasing Yiayia at the park. They played hide and seek and he giggled his little heart out. 

On Friday, MK took me to her Spin class that she is obsessed with. Then later we had a big ol gathering at her house and I got to see more of my Houston friends. I finally got to meet Pierson! He is adorable!

Swinging on the Aston's new swing set! It fits everyone!

Little miss Parker holding Grayson

Tiff feeding Jacqueline her first food - prunes! She was loving them!

Pierson and Ryan in their matching PJs that Ashley got them! So cute!

Playing with Shadi!

Reading Don't Wake the Bear before bedtime! Thompson was very worried about waking the bear - it was so cute!

On Saturday morning we headed back to Katy...we made it to Lupes before it got rainy and cold. Since the weather wasn't great we kind of had the place to ourselves - which Ryan LOVED! We got a table right next to the sandbox and Ryan played the entire time we were there.  I really wasn't sure how he would like, or how long he would last in it, it but it was the most independent and adventurous I have ever seen him!

He was so proud of himself and loved that he could do this all on his own! It was so cute to watch. I had no doubt he would get the cart to the top but I was shocked that he loved riding it! And I was even more shocked when he fell in love with the even larger one! (If you know Ryan, you know he doesn't do slides...and this is kind of like one - that's why I was pretty shocked!)

Sand is always messy, but wet sand is even more messy - I had to strip him down in the parking lot. Luckily he didn't mind.  He had such a great time playing and was ready for a nice long nap when we got home. Can't wait to go back when the weather is nicer!

In other news, Grayson had his first "real" food - I started him with butternut squash. At his four month check up his pediatrician gave us the go ahead - so we went ahead :) It is just as messy as I remember!
We made it back to Dallas yesterday - its an all day event. I basically spent the entire morning packing up. Then we left around 1pm...luckily both boys slept for about two hours. We had about 30 minutes of full on screaming from Grayson before we made it to Corcinana where we stopped at Chilis to grab an early dinner and nurse the G man.  After that it was a quick 50 minutes home and we were so happy to see Kevin! We had such a great time in Houston - it was a nice break of our routine and can't think my mom enough for willingly road tripping with us! We might attempt this again come Spring Break but will have to see how it all works out.

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