Friday, December 14, 2012

Sweets & Treats with Santa

Last Saturday was a busy day - Christmas cheer wise :) Lakewood CC had their annual breakfast with Santa, the DSO had their Children's concert and the Arboretum had Sweets and Treats with Santa. So much fun! Wish we could have gone to all three but we decided to do the Arboretum this year - mainly because that is the one I heard about first! Anyhow, Gigi joined us (since Kevin was golfing) and we had a great time!
They had sandwhiches, chips and cookies for the little ones. Ryan chowed down on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chips! He also shared a sugar cookie with Gigi.

Listening to Mrs. Clause read some fun books!

Craft time! There were all sorts of fun little crafts for the kiddos. Ryan and I hit up the craft area while Gigi and Grayson waited in line for Santa. 

And a visit with Santa. Ryan wasn't scared this time - he let me set him on his lap and then he kinda froze while he waited to get his picture taken. lol! He was very excited to get a candy cane from Santa...that was probably why he didn't throw a fit!

Thanks for coming with us Gigi!

Having so much fun this time of year! 

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