Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Trick-Or-Treat (Halloween 2012)

Halloween was so much fun this year! Ryan got dressed up in his costume and headed to school - all the kiddos were so cute all dressed up! His class had a little Halloween party but sadly I missed most of it because Grayson was napping and I had to feed him. The kids decorated cookies...and Ryan licked all the icing off of his. After school we were going to head up to daddy's office since they have a Halloween party but Ryan fell asleep on the way home (he didn't nap at school) and I decided to let him nap since he was going to have a busy evening.

Ryan woke up at 4:45 (and not super happy I might add) but we got all our stuff together and headed over to the Hales house.
A few pictures before the party started. Ryan's cousins taught him how to Trick-or-treat.

Daddy as a coach and Grayson as a football

Mommy with her little football player!

My two sweet little boys!

The whole fam

Ryan's first house to trick-or-treat at. He was VERY concerned with the fog and didn't even realize she was giving him candy

Off to trick-or-treat holding Gigi's hand

Audrey and Ryan had a great time going together!


We walked down to our lot and gave a tour! lol

When we got home (and Ryan was all hyped up on sugar) he was so sweet! He was holding Grayson but of course every time I tried to take a pic I was too late!

Love these little bugs!

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