Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This year we spent Thanksgiving in Dallas and had a wonderful day with friends and family. We started the morning off by doing the turkey trot! The weather was perfect so we had a great time. I think I am starting to feel my age - my knees hurt so badly afterwards! I could hardly walk down our stairs! Yikes!
On our way to the trot - in the back we have Grayson, Macy (my brothers dog) and Ryan! Kevin appears to be giving a fake smile but thats because he was concentrating on driving.

Ready to run!

Uncle Steve and Ryan

Ryan wanted to hold Gigi's hand the whole only worked for a little bit

After the race Ryan chowed down on some greek yogurt!

Uncle Steve with his girlfriend, Claire, and Macy - so cute!!

After the trot we headed home to get cleaned up and ready for an early Thanksgiving dinner. The boys napped while I made Paula Dean's Gooey Pumpkin Butter cake and prepped my appetizers (I made a meat & cheese tray, garlic baked brie, and Claire made the grape, goat cheese and pecan medley. The deviled eggs are courtesy of Bryan...they are kinda his thing.) 

Every year we grab a family photo!
So thankful to be a part of this wonderful family!

And for our sweet little family of four!

So thankful that Yiayia was able to make it back form Indonesia to spend Thanksgiving with us!

And that Claire and Steven were able to join us as well!

Kevin, Uncle Michael, and "Uncle" Bryan

The boys had these cute matching turkey shirts but I didn't get a picture of them together...

Snooze time!

Ryan eating his Thanksgiving feast! He loved the roll!

Such a wonderful day and so happy to spend it with family!

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