Sunday, November 11, 2012

Building Vandy - Frame Up!

The house is framed! Yay! So very exciting! On Saturday morning we headed over to check it out. I took a lot of pictures but it's probably a little difficult to tell what everything is, but I will try anyways :)

Here is is! The left side is obviously the garage, and on the top of that is the playroom. On the right bottom (it actually sticks out further than the rest of the house) you are looking at my office. 
It's amazing how fast they get the frame up!

This is taken from standing outside of the house at the entry way - Ryan is where the door will be. As you can see, you will be able to see all the way into the backyard from the entry. 
And here we have the office..aka my craft room! yay!

This is taken standing in the office...Ryan was having fun hiding under the stairs! The space in between is a closet. 

Moving along...
After you walk in you will pass the entry, mudroom (on right) then you come to the dining room (also on right). 

And this is taken standing in the dining room - the courtyard (which is on the left side). There will be three sets of french doors which will keep the area very open.

A little further is the kitchen and great room. 
Kitchen above - sink will be where window is and an island with the range will be where that pipe is sticking out of the ground. The larger window is the eating area and will have built in benches. 

This is a picture of the living room taken from the kitchen area. In the middle will be the fireplace and we will have built-ins on each side. The walls on each side will be french doors (again...letting lots of light in). 

Heading upstairs...
 Walking up the stairs the first room is the gameroom. Standing here, the right is the front of the house and there will be a small balcony, and the left wall is facing the courtyard (there will be two large windows there). I am so excited about this space and can't wait to get it all set up for the boys!

Here is another picture from the game room looking towards the courtyard. 
Looking out the game room window you can see downstairs into the living room. On the 2nd floor, across is the master suite. 

This is taken at the front of the house (upstairs) looking towards the back. Down the right side are three bedrooms (Ryan, Grayson & guest room) and the left is lined with windows that open up to the courtyard. In very back is a foyer for the master suite. 

I guess that's where I stopped taking pictures - nothing of the master area....perhaps next time!

Last pic is Daddy and Grayson hanging out in the game room!

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