Friday, October 26, 2012

Grayson's Baptism

This past Sunday was a very special day for our family - we celebrated Grayson's christening. He was baptized by Rev. Marc Craig at HPUMC during the 9:30am service. It is a very quick portion of the overall service and the little man did great. Daddy held him up for everyone to see - Rev. Marc Craig was a little scared to hold him since he was so young!

Here we are before the service

Hanging out getting ready

After the service with big brother Ryan

Family picture after the service - all the kiddos did great!

After church we headed up to Lakewood Country Club for some brunch with the family. 
Getting in some QT with Uncle Michael

And of course there was cake :)

Hanging with Ethan

We are so blessed to have this little man in our lives! Love him so much!

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