Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Ryan turned TWO on July 24th and I am finally getting around to posting about his special day! Originally we were suppose to be traveling home from Montana on his birthday (not getting in to DFW until midnight) so perhaps it worked out a little better...just being positive :) Although he didn't get to spend the day with family (besides Kevin and I) we still had a great time celebrating!

Since his birthday fell on a Tuesday I wanted to make sure he got to celebrate with his buddies at MDO.  I picked up a cookie cake for him to take to school and his awesome teachers took lots of pics of their little party - they know me well :)

After school Kevin and I had a little mini birthday celebration for the little guy. 

A few small presents and some more cookie cake - this time with ELMO!

Opening up all his birthday cards!

Time to sing happy birthday! 

And of course - eat cake!

Ryan is a huge fan of the icing. 

Opening presents is always fun! Ryan was very serious with his opening....little by little they finally came unwrapped. 

And of course he played with each item before moving on to the next. 

After playing with his new toys it was time to head out for dinner! Since Ryan didn't really tell us what he wanted to eat, we decided that burgers would be fun (mainly because that's what I was craving). 
We went to Stackhouse Burgers and it was delicious...but Ryan wasn't much of a fan. Oh well, hopefully next year he will let us know what he wants for his birthday dinner!

When we got home Ryan had a couple more gifts waiting for him. He received a plasma car from his great grandparents (my mom's parents) and a balance bike from his grandparents (Kevin's parents).  His Yiayia and Papu got him a play kitchen but we decided to keep it in Houston and his Pro Yiayia and Papu sent him a check so that he could pick something out! What a lucky little man! He is very thankful and so are his parents!

Daddy helping him out

And his balance bike

What a fun little day for my little bug! Can't wait to share pics from his party which was this past weekend!

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