Wednesday, August 29, 2012

37 Weeks

I have officially made it to my 37th week - it is the most pregnant I have ever been. Makes me wonder how much longer I will stay pregnant. Half of me wants to go all the way until September 15th...and the other half says I'd be fine going into labor tomorrow. Who knows....I am not technically ready as I still haven't finished packing my hospital bag, or found the infant car seat or bought any newborn diapers among all the others things one might do to prepare for a new perhaps I should focus on that.
How far along? 37 weeks 0 days
Total weight gain/loss? 28lbs to date
Baby size:  Baby estimated at 6lbs and 11oz today
Exercise: I should probably just remove this question...
Maternity clothes? Yup - doing laundry a lot more since I have so much less that actually fits
Stretch marks? Still safe here...
Sleep: Still waking up for the bathroom a few times a night
Best moment this week: Date night with Kevin for my birthday!
Miss anything: Ready to not feel uncomfortable all the time...
Movement: Baby still boogies around. I really don't remember Ryan moving this much...or him jabbing me like this baby does! 
Food cravings: TCBY vanilla shiver with peanut butter cup...been craving this for the last two days but still haven't  had a chance to go get one...perhaps tomorrow
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Duh
Gender predication: Obviously no idea, but I am so excited to find out. I can imagine my life as a mommy to two sweet little boys and know how much I would love it. I love seeing pictures of my friends little boys - brothers are so darn cute! Of course a little girl would be so amazing. I love the idea of having a little girl and all the little girl things that come along with it....dresses, bows, dance class ect...Honestly I will be thrilled either way! It seems like we have been waiting forever but it is also so exciting to know that it will be revealed sometime in the next 24 days!!! 
Labor signs: Nothing to report here 
Symptoms: Same ol stuff...heartburn, back pain, and tired in general. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Belly button in or out? Out
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

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