Friday, August 10, 2012

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks and four days
Total weight gain/loss? 24lbs ... guess it's safe to say I will pass that 25lb mark!
Baby size:  Didn't measure baby this week but I am guessing at least 5lbs since it was 4lbs 11oz last week. 
Exercise: Not so much lately
Maternity clothes? Yes, although I did squeeze myself into some non-maternity clothes (shorts & a shirt) last Saturday. The shorts didn't even being to zip but thats what the ol belly band is for!
Stretch marks? None so far and hopefully none of the way....but I am already the size I was the day I had Ryan soooo I better get that stretch mark cream out!
Sleep: Still waking up 3 or 4 times for the bathroom. Otherwise I think I sleep like a rock and don't move an inch...seriously...rolling over is a monumental effort at this stage - it doesn't really happen in my sleep anymore.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Ryan's birthday AND my surprise party!
Miss anything: Sleeping on my belly...won't be long now!
Movement: Lot's of hiccups. Also lots more movement on the left side of the belly - baby's feet and hands are usually on the right side...guess baby did some rolling around. 
Food cravings: Grapes and grilled cheese sandwich
Anything making you queasy or sick: No nausea this week
Have you started to show yet: Um yes, and everyone I meet likes to tell me that I am carrying a boy.
Gender predication: ?
Labor signs: I am actually starting to think that this baby is going to take it's sweet time. At first when my doctor told me that he would induce me at 39 weeks I was like, what??? You mean my baby won't be here by then? Ha, I know he cannot predict when this baby will arrive but I have just had it in my head that it would be early. Well, now I am kinda on board with letting it cook as long as it needs too. It was difficult having a small baby - sleeping, breast feeding...just everything was a little more difficult so although I know having a larger baby won't guarantee things being easier I wouldn't mind trying. 
Symptoms: Heartburn and exhaustion. 
Wedding rings on or off? Somedays they are on and somedays they are off. It really depends on the weather...and what I have eaten (trying not to go crazy with the salt).  
Belly button in or out? Out
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

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