Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone had a wonderful & safe 4th yesterday!

We had a wonderful day celebrating with friends!

First off we headed over to a friends house on Lakewood Blvd to watch the Lakewood parade. Wanted to bring something festive for the party so after perusing Pinterest I decided some chocolate covered pretzels would do the trick. They were a hit with the kiddos! Yay!

The parade was great - all the little kids really seemed to enjoy. It was amazing that they ALL actually sat down and watched it!!! It lasted a good 30-45 min...that's pretty amazing if you ask me!

Ryan and Truly checking out the parade

Yay! Someone threw us some candy!

Henry & Ryan watching the parade

And watching with mommy!

After the parade all the kids gathered and they took a group shot...I am sure you can imagine how devastated I was to hear this happened while I was in the bathroom!!! Well, at least Ryan made it in the picture - so  I am now just waiting on one of the mommies to send me a pic. 

For party # 2 we headed out to the Offer's house. Ryan had a blast swimming with Parker & Megan and even took a nice long nap so mommy and daddy could enjoy some pool time. 

After nap time Ryan was ready to play again - here he is with Colin & Linds. 

And we had matching swimsuits on...although you can't really see here. Gotta love Target swimsuits!!!

Up and out since 9am made for a very tired mommy and daddy - we were beat! Hope everyone had a fabulous JULY 4TH too!!!

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