Sunday, July 15, 2012

Annual 4th of July Reunion

Since the 4th fell on a Wednesday this year we decided to wait until the weekend to all gather for our yearly reunion at the Terry's lake house. First time all three boys have hung out together - I am sure this will be trouble one day....
Ryan - 23 months, Ben - 17 months,  & Jack - 13 months

There was so much yummy food but of course I focused on the deserts. 

Ryan feeding daddy a rice crispie treat

Oh and some for Bryan too!

Hanging out with Jack

Daddy and his beer, Ryan and his milk - watching the air show.  
Ryan and Marin watching the air show together. 

 Group shot!

And another with Jim!

Thanks again for inviting us - we always have such a great time! Looks like we are going to have to find another place for next year because they Terry's are going to demo the lake house and build a new one! Very exciting for them!

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