Monday, June 4, 2012

Key West

We just got back from a couples trip to Key West and had a wonderful time with friends. It was so nice to get away for a long weekend, hang out with friends and sleep in! Wohoo!

The group consists of Kevin's buddies from high school and all their wives. It really is a great group of people - all the husbands clearly get along but the best part is that all the wives do too. We all have become good friends and look forward to getting together whenever we can (which is pretty difficult because we are all scattered about Austin, Dallas, the Dallas burbs, and New York.)

Anyhow, we started talking about taking a trip and we actually did it!. Kudos to the Itz's for taking charge and planning this trip for us. It was truly a challenge to find a weekend that not only worked for each of our schedules BUT also for our parents (since we all needed babysitters!) Amazingly only three from the group were unable to make it ... maybe next year.

We were leaving for Key West on our anniversary so we decided that we would celebrate when we returned. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked in to our room and there was champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and key lime cookies waiting for us! Kevin was so sweet to call ahead and arrange this! He also set up a prenatal massage for me - so spoiled!
We rented scooters to get around - although the ladies weren't big fans. They were really stinky...and it was hot...oh well!
We took our scooters on a ride down to the Southermost Point in the US....pretty slick. 

Headed to dinner with my handsome husband :)

Yummy sushi dinner!

Fancy volcano roll
After dinner we headed to Pete's Piano Bar (yup...same one as Austin and Dallas). It was a tad smokey inside so we headed out to find that we had the entire back area to ourselves...hello giant jenga, cornhole and hula hoops!

 The next day the boys went fishing...half of the ladies went to the spa while the others laid out then we all met up for lunch at Sloppy Joes. After lunch we did a little shopping before heading back for a quick dip in the pool and then got ready for the evening. We took our cabby's recommendation and headed to the Harbor area for dinner. We found a low-key outside joint and an awesome table on the top deck that worked for us. The food was mediocre and the waitress was horrible but we all had a great time regardless. Afterwards we walked over to another bar and hung out for a while...

On Sunday we rode our scooters out to the harbor to catch a boat for a snorkeling trip - the boat took us out to two different locations and then on the way back they served beer/wine. While I enjoy a little snorkeling I can also take it or leave it. I went in the first drop and scouted some fishy's....and that was good enough for me. At the next drop apparently there were lots of sharks (not dangerous ones)...Kevin was a fan but I am glad I didn't get in. 
The group with our boat in the background. 

After our boat trip we scooted over to a oceanfront bar for some drinks and snacks. 

 Our last night out...we headed out to Blue Heaven...which was delicious!

It was so nice to sleep in and lounge around...definitely what this pregnant mommy was needing! Of course I missed my little man dearly but it was awesome to get picture updates everyday. I know he had so much fun with his Grandma, Grandpa and Yiayia. 

Ryan and Reese playing at the arboretum! (Kevin's parents are friends with the Paprocki's parents so they had a playdate with the grandkids- so cute!)

Grandma & Grandpa took Ryan to the Flight Museum! He loved it - which is great since that is where his 2nd birthday party will be!

Little man loves his popsicles!

Ice cream with Yiayia!

Ryan LOVES walking Bob these days...

So much fun and BIG HUGE thanks to Kevin's parents and my mom for watching our little man while we were gone for 5 days! We are so lucky to have them around and available so that we can take trips like this - we love you!

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