Monday, June 25, 2012

Kevin's Week

Last week was a special week for Kevin - we started the week out by celebrating Father's Day and ended the week by celebrating his 32nd birthday.

I'll start with Father's Day...
When we got up Ryan created a Father's Day card for his daddy - he loves to stamp those little hand prints everywhere.

When daddy got up he opened his gifts and we played with little R. 

  We met the Hales and Botterman's for brunch at Patrizios.

After brunch we headed back home to put the little man down for a nap. He was already tired on the way home and it wasn't even noon yet! Oh well, we figured if we put him down early then we would be able to get out and do something in the afternoon.

Original plans were to head to the Rangers game. I thought this would be so much for Ryan and also for Kevin but we didn't end up going. We wanted to get seats that were close enough so that Ryan could see what was going on but we didn't really want to pay a lot because we didn't know how long Ryan would actually last in a seat. The other issue was wanting to be in the shade...

We thought we would just head up to the pool but when Ryan woke up clouds had rolled in and it looked like a storm was coming. we ended up just heading to the mall. Not very exciting but we were able to exchange Kevin's shoes for the correct size and burn a little energy.
Ryan showing daddy the ducks and turtles. 

We headed back home and Joe came over to watch the golf tournament with Kevin - we ordered pizza and they had some beers. Ryan loved playing with Joe, so all in all it ended up being a fun day and I think Kevin had a great time. 

Saturday was Kevin's 32nd birthday! His birthday starts the McDonough birthday season - next up in July is Ryan's, then mine in August (the big 3-0) and then new baby due in September!!! 
Special birthday breakfast with pancakes and sausage. Ryan loved the syrup and nutella...someone has a sweet tooth!

After breakfast we headed up to the pool! Ryan and daddy had a great time playing in the baby pool.

 Ryan came home and took a LONG nap. When he got up we had a mini birthday celebration for daddy. We sang happy birthday and opened presents - always fun!

Little man loved this cupcake...mostly just loved the icing! We only gave him 1/4 of it because we didn't want to get him too hyped up on sugar for the babysitter!

To celebrate Kevin's birthday we met up with friends for dinner at Jorge's in One Arts Plaza. Kevin really enjoys sipping tequila so I wanted to do something a little special for him and arrange a private tequila tasting.
 Here is one side of the table (not sure what happened to the ladies) with the first round of tequila - a blanco.
And the other side of the table - again...where did the girls go?

Round 2 & 3

Lindsey and I

And it's not a party without a cake...yummy!
Happy birthday Kevin!

And one last tequila drink for the birthday boy.

Such a fun night and so glad everyone was able to celebrate with us!

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