Friday, June 29, 2012

friday randoms

Ryan spent the morning with his cousin Audrey and Aunt Sarah while mommy went to the doctor for her checkup and glucose test. Yum! I just saw my regular OB today so no sonogram. Everything is going well so there isn't much to report.
- I have gained another 3.5lbs which puts me at a total of 16.5lbs total. I still have 11 weeks to go so I am thinking I might gain more than 25 lbs this pregnancy....oh well.
- Baby's heart rate was 131 today, which is back down low...which according to old wives tales means it's a boy. So this week I will go with Boy again.
- Now I will start going to my doctor every two weeks - wow! I can't believe it's already time for that! This is really going to fly by...better get ready for this baby!

In other news, I found a cute mini session deal with Chelle Cates Photography and decided to get some 2 years pictures of the little man done. I love all the props that she uses and thought these would be super cute. The theme is SUMMER FUN and includes a cool truckbright tires, bubblescold Cherry Limeades and more!  I might try and see if Kevin and I could pop in one of the pictures so we could get one more family picture of just the three of us before little baby comes!

So what do you do once you book a photo session? Go shopping :) We headed to Crewcuts yesterday (because I am obsessed) and because I was looking for little white shorts. While I did not find the white shorts I set out for, I did find some other adorable items - go figure. I am loving these toddler sweatpants shorts...and they were $19.99 and an additional 30% off! What a steal...especially for that store! Ryan looks so adorable in them not to mention they are uber comfy. He is rocking them with a gray gap tank - a great friday look! Sometimes he is too cool for mommy.
In a few weeks we are headed up to Montana to visit Kevin's parents. We try and go every summer and always have a blast so I am really looking forward to it - plus it's so nice to get out of the heat! Anyhow, we will be there for a week and we return on Ryan's actual birthday! I  have been searching for a cute little shirt that he could wear on the plane and was happy to find this one on etsy. Originally I wanted something that said "birthday boy" but I couldn't find anything I liked - I might just have to find a little button or sticker somewhere to add for his special day. 

I have been working away on Ryan's 2nd birthday and this week I think I found some adorable party favors.  I had an idea to give little aviator sunglasses but I wasn't having much success shopping online for them.  This week I hit up The Children's Place and hit the jackpot. The only problem is that they had a few different options and I can't decide what I like best. 

I ended up buying all of the metal framed aviators they had available because they reminded me most of a pilot - thinking Top Gun. However, the blue plastic aviators were super cute on Ryan and he seemed to like them better. Then, when I got home and was looking online I saw the orange ones (the party colors are orange and blue so I thought these would be cute too!). I was only able to secure 10 pairs of the metal ones in the store and I am planning on around 25 little kids so I need to get more...I just don't know if I should order the same or do a mix?!? Help me!

And lastly, Kevin and I met with the architect and builder to discuss plans for our new house this week. It was so cool to see what the architect came up with and I am so excited to develop it further. We really loved his ideas but it is still in the early stages and tweaks need to be made. One thing he brought to the table was an atrium/courtyard type thing. Honestly I would have never imagined or thought I wanted something like this but they way it fits with the house is actually really neat. I think if it is done correctly it could be a really neat feature and almost another "room" in the house. After our meeting Kevin and I discussed everything further and came up with a list of things that we needed altered. We have sent it back over so now we are just waiting to see how the architect will adjust the plans. I am trying to be so patient....and it's so hard!!! Good think I have a lot on my plate to distract me!!!

That's all for now!

Happy Friday!

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