Tuesday, May 8, 2012

21 weeks

How far along? 21 weeks 3 Days
Total weight gain/loss? Up 6.5lbs (20 week dr appt this past Monday)
Baby size: Baby weighs approximately three-quarters of a pound and about 10.5 inches long (babycenter.com)
Maternity clothes? I packed my favorite maternity jean shorts and white pants for our beach trip - but other than that I am still in regular clothes. 
Exercise: Two days with weights, one day of cardio
Stretch marks? So far so good!
Sleep: Sleeping amazingly well - falling asleep around midnight and not waking up until 7am!
Best moment this week: Hearing that little heart beat!
Miss anything:  Nothing I can think of this week
Movement:  Lots and lots of baby kicks
Food cravings: Goodness...changes daily but I have to have some sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully no!
Have you started to show yet: Yup!
Gender predication: ?
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Lower back pain; light headedness when I stand up (especially getting up quickly while playing with Ryan and chasing him around)
Belly button in or out? Not all the way out yet...but on its way 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Although i guess I should admit to being a tad moody....but I blame it on being tired. 
Looking forward to: A week at the beach with friends!

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