Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend my parents came to visit - it use to be a short trip from Houston but since they now live in Indonesia it was quite a special treat for us! My dad was only in the US for three days so we are so happy he was able to make a quick trip up to Dallas. They drove up from Houston on Friday afternoon and Ryan was so excited to see them! When we walked in the house he was all smiles - he says Pa for Papu and Ya for Yiayia - so cute!

Friday night we grilled out and had a yummy steak dinner while Ryan ran around and showed off all his tricks. After Ryan headed to bed we celebrated my dad's birthday with a cake from Society Bakery - delish!
Yiayia reading a book to Ryan before bed.

Papu and his birthday cake

Saturday morning we woke up and headed over to the Katy Trail to get a little walk in. The weather was amazing and we walked down to Company Cafe for some brunch...Ryan enjoyed walking on the trail!

As you can see Ryan loves his Papu - he wanted to hold his hand or sit in his lap all weekend long. 

 Papu actually had to leave to head back to Indonesia Saturday night but Ryan had so much fun with him. So glad he was able to come and visit. We hope to see him again in August but if not he should be back in September for at least three weeks.

Saturday evening Kevin and I headed to a wedding and Ryan got to stay home with Yiaya and Papu.
Table 14 with the bride!

Shannon, Nat & myself at Nikki's wedding

We also took some fun pictures in the photo booth...

We didn't really have plans for Sunday until my friend Nat texted me and told me about an event that was taking place at the Shops at Park we headed up there. It was so much fun! There were bounce houses (although Ryan isn't really a all), food trucks, fire trucks and a helicopter!

Apparently Ryan is digging socks...he wanted to rock his crocs with socks-->sweet!

Check out the PINK fire truck with this adorable Dalmatian! Such a sweet little doggy!

Yummy food trucks! We tried Easy Sliders, Ruthies Rolling Cafe & Trailer Cakes - YUM!

Ryan opted for a kids Zbar instead...and decided to get comfy. 

Checking out a police car

And hanging out in the fire truck

Playing with bubbles that he got from Trailer Cakes!

Dancing up a storm listening to the live music. 

You would think that after all this excitement he would have taken a long nap...well, that didn't happen. Little man decided he didn't need a nap....Oh well. For dinner we headed up to Grimaldi's and Grandma met us as well. Ryan was so exhausted (since he missed his nap) and he fell asleep on the way home - such a sweet little boy! Love love love him! We had a great weekend and are so grateful that we were able to spend time with family!

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