Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Big Brother Gift

People ask me (usually people without kids - and I know I probably asked moms the same thing) if Ryan understands that he is going to be a big brother.  In case you are wondering, no he doesn't. I mean we talk about being a big brother, we talk about baby, we talk about baby in mommy's belly, but he really has no idea what it all means or how his world will change come September.

For now, he get so excited when he sees a little baby. He screams BABY and his face lights up (like he discovered something no one else was aware of). He sometimes will lift up his shirt and point to his belly and say BABY....but I have to explain that it is not in his belly, only mommy's.

Anyhow, I have been thinking about a big brother gift and what we will do for Ryan when baby #2 comes (so that we can make the transition as easy as possible for him) and I was so excited when I came across this adorable book "On the Day I was Born" on Pinterest.  Ryan is obsessed with books and loves going through his one-year photo books so I knew this would be perfect for him.

I purchased and downloaded the template, entered my pics and then uploaded it to blurb.  Using the template was so easy and I am no photoshop professional! I had a few questions when uploading to blurb but that could have been 'pregnancy brain' at its finest. Anyhow I emailed Stacey and she was super helpful. I haven't actually ordered it yet because I think I want to switch the picture out on the "Now I am going to be a Big Brother" page - I would like R to actually be smiling. Here is a sneak peak:

I am so excited to give this to Ryan on his 2nd birthday (yes, I realize that is still 3 months away)! I think it will be a perfect little gift and hopefully help prepare him for the arrival of baby #2 by celebrating the day he was born and allowing him to see how much he was loved, and still loved and giving him something to relate to as we welcome his new little brother/sister into our lives. I realize he may not comprehend it completely but it's a start. Plus it is something he will have forever.

I am so excited for us to welcome a new little baby into our family and I have no doubt that Ryan will be an amazing big brother!


  1. This is SUCH a cute idea...thanks so much for sharing about it! I wish I'd known about it sooner...I might still do it for Manny and give it to him late. :)
