Monday, March 19, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

Hooty Hoo! I'm back - well, kinda. I am still a bit nauseous and tired but I am so ready for a week of planned meals! Planning this week (or shall I say three days) of meals has been challenging because I am not sure what is going to sound good....or horrible when the time comes. Oh well...I will just have to deal with it!

Monday: Orzo and Chicken with Lemon

Kevin requested something I think this sounds light and refreshing. I know I have seen this recipe before but I don't think I have actually made it. I found it on Pinterest so hopefully it will be good. 

Another healthy recipe for K-sizzle. (Apparently I am currently thinking that anything lemony sounds good.) I love capers and lemons...and well fish so this should be right up my alley. It also says you can use any type of white fish so I will have to see what I end up with.  I think I will serve it with some type of rice and a quick and easy salad.

I had to throw some real meat in the week and this one caught my eye. Although she uses a flat iron steak I might just use flank steak - because I know what it is and where to get it. That is, unless I see a flat iron steak nearby...then I will go for it. Anyhow, I think this would be good with some yummy mashed potatoes and perhaps some asparagus. Sold.

Thursday: Leftovers!
Friday: Dine out!

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