Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Randoms

So it's Friday again...been a busy week. We had our 12 week NT testing and sonogram, we learned baby #2 is happy and healthy, we officially listed our house on the market, and we started swim lessons. Yay, bring on the weekend!

So I have been trying to figure out a little Easter outfit for Ryan. I can't decide if I want to go the "baby boy" or the "little man" route. I think this little outfit from Janie and Jack is ADORABLE! I love seersucker and think Ryan would be so darn tootin' cute in this...the only thing is that the entire outfit is over $150! That's a bit ridiculous considering he probably wouldn't wear it more than once. I have never been to a children's resale shop but I have seen one by Einstein Bagels and might go check it out next week.
Or there is always the smocked route...which I know Kevin isn't a huge fan of but he gives a hall pass on holidays. 
OMG, I think this is SO sweet and little R would just be adorable in this. hmmm did I just make up my mind? I can't wait to have two littles to dress up for holidays!

So I mentioned we started swim lessons this week. We are going to Dolfin Swim School again - they just opened a new facility on 75 & Walnut Hill. This is the same school we went to this past summer and Ryan loved it. This past week I dare say he wasn't the hugest fan...poor little guy wasn't so sure about the whole thing. When we got there and he saw the pool he was thrilled but when we actually got in the water he kinda wanted to get out. Although the pool is heated his little teeth were chattering. I bought him a little swim shirt for next week so hopefully that will help. Speaking of swim clothes - I just get so excited when all the bright and cheery spring/summer clothes start coming out. I found him an adorable bathing suit and some little mini crocs. They are so ridiculously cute!

Next week were are headed to Houston and if the weather is nice enough we might get to play in Yaya's pool! I am pretty sure Ryan would love that - I think he just requires sun (just like his momma).

Lastly, our house is finally listed - yay! It's been quite a process getting it ready, I guess now the challenge will be keeping it super clean...EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's quite a chore with a 19 month old. Anyhow, I am use to changing things up and adding new decor every once in a while but have stopped that for the time being. Yesterday I got an email from Very Jane (another deals site) and they had the most adorable Chevron Table runners for $14. Since I am obsessed with chevron right now I decided to order one.
Deciding on the color was the hardest part! I ended up going with teal & white. I decided that I probably wouldn't use this everyday since I already have some chevon going on, but I would use it for party decor. You can mix a lot of colors with teal (thinking orange, red, coral, pink or green) so it should be pretty versatile. Yay for chevron!

Ok, I am off to shower and CLEAN...yay! Super excited about celebrating my friend Lindsey's farewell to TRG and hello to her new job tonight with the girls, showering my friend shannon and her baby-to-be on Saturday, and a big family dinner on Sunday before we head to Houston on Monday.
Have a great weekend!

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