Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Randoms...

So my fans have requested an entry. haha. (By fans, I mean my mom and brother). We are still here. I know I have been a little lax on the whole blogging lately but we have had out hands full. More on that later.

It's Friday. Yay for the weekend. And Yay for this beautiful weather!

Speaking of beautiful weather - I had to bust out my shorts this week! It also officially became sandal season in my house. And speaking on sandals...I decided I needed to spruce up my selection. I am LOVING all these bright colored sandals that are out now. Check out these adorable DV by Dolce Vita. I love the colors and they are only $69! I got the Mint ones - they are actually more of a turquoise and will be adorable to add a pop of color to some spring outfits!

We had lunch with my friend Nat and her little one month old Jackson today (He is adorable!). After lunch we headed over to the Right Start to pick up a booster seat for my little man. I was looking for a seat that would be more hidden (since our house is going on the market I am trying to minimize the baby stuff) and am excited that we located one! My friend MK recommend the Cooshee Booster but I couldn't find a black one anywhere...not even online (hence the picture I found is pink). I was thrilled to find it at the Right Start. Ryan is going to be so happy sitting like a big kid with mommy and daddy at the dinner table tonight!
I finally renewed our family membership to the arboretum. If you are ever wondering if it's worth it - it is! It's $109 for the year and you get up to six additional people to bring with you plus free parking. You basically make up the price within your first two visits. Plus they have awesome exhibits and fun summer concert series. We went almost weekly last spring and fall and will probably do the same this year. On Mondays and Tuesdays they have children activities complete with story time, music, a petting zoo and face painting. And not to mention the amazing pumpkin village in October. Anyhow I digress, the next big exhibit they will be by Chihuly. There is lots of excitement about this and I think it's going to be pretty cool - can't wait to see it in May.
So it's March and it appears that most of my girly shows will be on hiatus until April - what am I going to do? Well, I started seeing previews for the Hunger Games movie so I am thinking I might start reading those books....should I get sucked in? Kevin was basically a single man when I was reading the Twilight Trilogy. (I guess it was a good thing they were an easy and quick read!) hmmm decisions decisions.

Well, that's it for now. I have got to get things ready for playgroup at our house today. The weather is great so we will be playing outside. Also super excited for my friend Mk and her two little ones to spend the weekend with us! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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