Sunday, March 11, 2012

12 weeks

Since I took all these pictures I decided to just use them for my 12 week "bump" picture. Honestly I didn't have the energy to redo the board and take more pictures....ahhh...that is so not like me! 
How far along? 12 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? 2.4lbs
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: Still getting my daily nap - wohoo! Bedtime is no later than 9:30.
Exercise: Still working with my trainer 2x a week. Trying to get a day of cardio in but napping always seems so much better. Maybe next trimester...
Best moment this week: Getting to see the little peanut at our 12 week sonogram appointment. Also, the news of knowing our little bean is happy & healthy!
Have you told family and friends: YES! Told family after six week appointment and friends this week!
Miss anything: Ceviche...Kevin took me out to Hibiscus and I really really wanted the ceviche appetizer. I almost went for it, but since I wasn't even 12 weeks yet I decided to play it safe.
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Goodness....this changes daily
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular...
Have you started to show yet: By the end of the day my little belly is in full swing...but I am guessing thats probably food/bloating...and maybe a little bit of baby belly.
Gender predication: We decided that we are not going to find out the sex of this baby which wasn't difficult until we got the sonogram. I am going to try my best to stick it guesses yet.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: hmmmm I would say tired?
Looking forward to: Feeling the little peanut

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