Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! We had a great day at the McDonough household...

Daddy got up with Ryan and when they came into the room to wake me Ryan brought me a little card he was working on. I just love anything that he makes (even though you kinda start expecting these things) I just can't get enough - so cute.

Picture of card coming soon!

We stopped at Society Bakery on the way to school to pick up some cupcakes for his teachers. There was quite a line (good thing we left a little early) but little R did good waiting - it took 30 minutes! We were a tad late to school - oops!

With R in school I went and got my hair done and then hit up the gym - yeah I didn't plan that well but my appointments were set so it was too late to change. Afterwards I picked up Ryan from school and to my surprise he had a few Valentine's from some of his classmates - so cute! I was a little bummed that it NEVER even crossed my mind to make valentine's for his buddies but there is always next year. Man...I would have been all over that!!!

When we got home we were surprised with Tiff's Treats - and wow - a lot of them!
Holy smokes....we ended up with THREE dozen cookie, 6 chocolate covered strawberries, regular milk, chocolate milk and a little festive balloon. Wowzers. Both my mom and Kevin sent the treats...apparently they know I like cookies? Ryan and I shared a few cookies before heading out to deliver some goodies to his cousins.

Kevin got home a smidgen early and we exchanged cards. Ryan also gave him his Valentine card that he worked so hard on.

Pic of ACTUAL card coming! Still need to take!

Then we got to cooking. Kevin was going to prepare everything but then I saw this twice baked potato casserole on Pinterest and decided I needed to make that. It was a little dry but still ridiculously delicious. Next time I will add milk.

Anyhoo, Kevin grilled some amazing steaks and we had a nice little home cooked meal. If you haven't noticed I have been a little bad at the home cooking lately....oops!

And that about summed it up. Nothing fancy and it was perfect for us. Love my little family!

Hope everyone had a great day!

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