Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Project 366 - week 4

January 22 - Ryan had so much fun playing with his Cozy Coupe box while Papu built his car. 
January 23 - Headed back to Dallas with Ryan and the two pups - got home and was unloading the car and Ryan crawled underneath the back deck! Looks like we need to fix that hole!
January 24 - First time for the kiddos to eat lunch at table and chairs at school! They are getting so BIG!
January 25th - Ryan thinks Mr. Potato Head's glasses are so funny! They are pretty funny on him :)
January 26th - Ryan is obsessed with these moving men at North Park
January 27th - Every time we go to BabyBliss RYan LOVES playing with this Plan Toys play table. It is the cutest thing ever and I can't wait to get him one when we move in to a larger house. I think it will be his big 2 year birthday gift!
January 28th - Daddy and Uncle Bryan doing a MAN project. They fixed the broken lattice under the deck - wohoo! Grandpa also helped too!

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