Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Playing at the ZOO

Last Friday the weather was BEAUTIFUL so we decided to head out to the Zoo with some friends. We headed to the children's area first so that the boys could run around - they loved it but Ryan kept trying to take a dip in the water so we had to move on.

Checking out the fish tank

Just chatting with his new goat buddy

He was ok sitting with them but just didn't care to feed them. Whatever works. 

Here piggy pig

I spy an elephant

Just driving in my safari jeep with my buddy Ford

Ryan really liked the giraffes. So intrigued.

I wasn't sure how Ryan would react to the giraffes (considering he wasn't a huge fan of feeding the goats) but he was actually all about it. Look at those little hands getting right up there to that mouth. What a sizzler. 
What a beautiful day! 
Loving this Texas Winter!

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