Monday, December 5, 2011


Yesterday we threw a baby sprinkle for my friend Nat. She is due in February with another sweet little boy! It was so much fun planning this sprinkle because I got to work with two very talented ladies (Trinh & Mylien)!

The food table was just as adorable as it was delicious. Keeping along with the "Pop" theme we served:
Strawberry Spinach salad with POPPY seed salad
POPcorn Chicken
POPovers with Strawberry butter
Crab Ragon POPs
Assorted Soda POP
Cake POPs
Rice Krispie POPs
Nutella Banana POPs
Mini cupcake POPers
And we had a POPcorn bar with Kettle and Buttered popcorn, along with sweet and savory toppings  
Adorable, right?

On the front door we hung this wreath that I created for Nat and her new little man. The "T" is for "Tantinarawat" (her last name) since they haven't decided on a name for the little guy yet. 

Our popcorn bar - Trihn made the popcorn stand by wrapping a shirt box and cutting holes in the top. 

Yummy treats made by Mylien

Who says you can't have Chick-fil-a on a Sunday? Delish!

Topt tier of the diaper cake that Mylien made.

Trinh made these adorable party favors. The mini bottle of champagne was for Nat to celebrate with once the little man arrives!

Fun "Pop" themed treats inside!

Lots of ladies in stripes...

The fruit punch was a big hit...and it was good with champagne too

The guest of honor requested donations for the Genesis Women's Shelter in lieu of gifts. What a great idea especially this time of year! 

We wanted to make sure she got to take some things home so we had guests fill out "Wishes for Baby" so she could save for the little guy. We also stocked a basket full of goodies for Nat & Baby T and made a game "memory" game out of it. I carried it around the room and then guests had to recall what they could remember - its pretty hard if you aren't a mom....lots of crazy things in there! haha. It was a cute little game and a way for us to "sprinkle" Nat with a few things. 

Party planners with guest of honor. I had so much fun planning this party and love how it all turned out!  Can't wait to meet Baby T in February!

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