Monday, December 19, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

Yesterday while Ryan and I were out running errands we ended up smack in the middle of a HUGE storm. We had finished everything except a quick little trip to the grocery store. Since this week is a little crazy with Kevin traveling and the holidays I was only planning on cooking one meal so instead of messing with the weather I decided that we would just go home and pull something together with whatever items I had there.

I had some boneless, skin-on chicken that was thawing (thus needed to be made), some brussels sprouts that were about to go bad and two sweet potatoes that probably needed to be eaten soon. What to do....

I flipped thought my cookbook that I put together with all the recipes from NMTG and anywhere else I clip or print them from and found three yummy recipes! Yay, organization to the rescue!

Our meal was a little bacon intensive but I love bacon (who doesn't) so I think that was ok. We had rosemary and garlic chicken, sweet potato fries with bacon vinaigrette and then bacon roasted brussels sprouts. (Everything was actually from NMTG.) Kevin was super excited about the sweet potatoes and gave them five out of five stars. Wohoo!

The chicken: Originally I wanted to try that Buttermilk grilled chicken recipe from NMTG but it was raining so we couldn't use the grill...and the buttermilk I bought expired. oops! So what is one to do? Well, I just adapted the Rosemary and Garlic flank steak recipe that I love....and baked it in the oven. I love rosemary. I love garlic. It was delicious.

The brussels sprouts: These bad boys were still hanging out in my fridge since I was planning to make them last week (but apparently I never got around to it). I am glad I finally got to make them! Here is that recipe:
2lbs brussels sprouts, halved
3 1/2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
3/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 onions, chopped
1/2 cup cooked bacon, chopped

1. Preheat oven to 400
2. Cut ends of brussels sprouts and removed and damaged outer leaves. Cut in half
3. Heat oil in large skillet over med heat. Add Brussels sprouts, onion and bacon. Cook until onion is translucent and bacon begins to brown
4. Transfer to backing dish and sprinkle with S&P
5. Roast for 35-45 minutes. Sprouts should be brown on the outside but easily pierce

The potatoes: I had randomly bought two sweet potatoes because I decided we should eat them since they are healthier. (I am not a huge fan of sweet potatoes but Kevin and Ryan seem to like them.) They have been sitting in the pantry for a couple of weeks now. Yesterday was the perfect day. Here is the recipe:
2lbs medium sweet potatoes (about 3)
1/2 lb sliced bacon, cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-wide strips
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
3 green onions
2 tbsp wine vinegar

1. Put oven rack in upper third of oven and preheat to 450
2. Peel sweet potatoes, then cut each lengthwise into 6 spears. Cut spears in half crosswise if desired, then arrange in 1 layer in a large backing pan
3. Cook bacon
4. Remove bacon from grease onto paper towel to drain. Chop into bite-size pieces
5. Pour bacon fat onto potato spears and toss. Add salt & pepper
6. Roast (uncovered), turning every 15 to 20 minutes, until potatoes are tender and edges are browned
7. Transfer to serving dish
8. Drizzle with vinegar, bacon and sprinkle green onions

Oh and one more little treat...while Kevin and I were enjoying our dinner last night little R was in the best mood ever. He was running around the house playing with everything and chatting up a storm. Then the little man discovered my box of ribbon....he was in heaven. So cute!

Anyhow, that is basically the only night this week that I am cooking. With my family coming in town its easier for us to dine out but I do still plan on making some things. I am headed to the store at some point to get ingredients for casseroles and cookies! I will be making this casserole for Friday morning (it looks super easy) and then making one of my favorites for Saturday morning when we will celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. I'll post that later!

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