Sunday, December 18, 2011


Last week Ryan and I headed up to the mall at 9am so that we could get a ticket to see Santa. Well, 9am was too late - our time was noon and we had music so we ended up going back on Friday (which I already posted about earlier). Anyhow, we are at the mall at 9am and most of the stores are open but it's pretty empty. Just your typical mall walkers and moms. Yup.
Anyhow I let Ryan out of his stroller to burn some energy. He walked all the way from where Santas picture area is to Starbucks and he did it like a man on a mission. When we got to Starbucks he peeked in and was like "Ah - yes, this is where I was headed". I just followed him in and watched him go up to the counter and order a latte. Ha, just kidding....well he might as well have. He walked up to the little refrigerated area and scoped out his options. He spotted the chocolate milk and grabbed it, took the straw off and handed it to me (picture below).  In Ryan talk that means, "here mom open this"

And then he tried to put the straw in the milk. 
Anyhow, I thought it was adorable and bought him his milk. We never really go into Starbucks so I just found the whole thing odd. He really acted like he knew exactly where he was going. I guess the first time they do something like that it is cute...

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