Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

I started this post last week and forgot to post....

We are back in Dallas after a week in Houston. Ryan and I flew down last Sunday and then Kevin joined us (he drove down with the dogs) on Wednesday.  We had such a great time seeing friends and family!

We flew Southwest and although our flight was cancelled we actually were able to get on an earlier flight (15 minutes...yeah thats Southwest for you, a flight every 15 minutes) and everything was peachy. Ryan did really well on the flight - I had so much entertainment for him he didn't really have a chance to complain - that and it was only 40 minutes.

MK and Caroline picked us up from the airport and we headed back to their house. On the way we picked up our college roomy MEGAN who was in town visiting from New York City. I haven't seen her in forever and she had never met Ryan so it was so much fun being able to catch up with her. We continued the catching up over a yummy dinner that Mk made and by adding more friends.
 Thompson wasn't so sure what to do with the soup - so he removed it to play with the bowl.
Caroline was so cute and wanted to sit next to her friend Ryan
The next day we were able to have a much needed girls lunch. It was so much fun catching up...over a couple glasses of wine! We really need to plan a trip to NYC to visit Megan!

T came and picked us up from MK's and we headed to Katy. We had a fun and successful shopping date with Mrs. Bird on Tuesday where T and J picked out lots of furniture for Jennifer's new Optometry office that will open in January! It was a little difficult with Ryan in tow but at least I got to chat with them at lunch :)

On Wednesday Kevin finally joined us - Ryan was super excited to see his daddy! We were able to relax and hang out around the house. On Thursday we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends (already posted details).

On Friday evening Kevin and I headed back into Houston to hang out with friends. My parents graciously watched our little man for us - lucky us! We went to dinner at a cute restaurant in The Heights and then had some beers at a place called Celtic Garden.  
We took this picture before we left Katy...just goofing around pretending to decorate the tree. 

And one with the little man. He wasn't in a picture taking mood but we made him anyways. Such a fun week! Our next trip back to Houston will be in January and I am sure it will be here before we know it!

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