Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Little Artist

I have been really bad about documenting Ryan's masterpieces. Each week he creates one little art project and they are so cute. His turkey he brought home today was so adorable I knew I had to get some pictures! I am pretty realistic and realize that I probably won't be able to save them all, so at least getting a snapshot of them is a way of saving them.

Love those little hands!
Just hanging out taking some pics.

Here are a few more crafts that he has brought home recently:

Little ghost feet!

Another sweet little hand. His teachers must be pros at getting these little handprints. I have tried - it's no easy task!

We are excited to have Macy (my brothers dog) staying with us for a little white. Ryan LOVES her and she is so sweet to him. We have been having so much fun going on walks and playing outside in the backyard. Ryan loves to throw Macy her ball (although it doesn't go very far). 

Ryan took the ball from Macy and was trying to bring it to Bob. 
Bob cared. 
As he peed on Ryan's water table. 

I am digging this area of our yard (which we never really used before) because it's a nice little dog run. Macy digs it!

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