Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Halloween Decorations

One of the reasons why my blogging has dropped off recently is because I have been busy decorating for Halloween! I feel like my house is always "in the works" so I don't have any pictures to share yet. However, since it is October 4th (forgot to hit publish until now) I should hurry up and get them done so I can relax a bit (before I move on to my next holiday!)
Anyhow I finished a wreath today and actually took some pictures to share. Here is a picture of the original wreath that I created.  It was super easy to make but it did create quite a glitter mess when I was making that bow! Wowzers.
After a couple of weeks I decided I was over all that snazzy glitter. Plus every time we came in the front door Ryan would pull on the ribbon. 

I found a super cute wreath on Pinterest and decided to make it

It looks a little wonky in the picture but in person I think it looks normal.

You are suppose to hot glue the roses on but I just used T pins so that I could change them out for other holidays.

Happy Halloween! 

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