Monday, October 24, 2011

Grapevine Reunion

On Saturday we headed out to Grapevine for a last minute mini reunion with friends! The Terry's came in from New York, the Paprocki's came in from Austin and the Itz's came in from Keller :) We were still missing a few from the crew but had a great time seeing everyone that was there.  It's also getting more fun for the kiddos since they are getting older and can play with each other. Reese and Ryan had a ball crawling around - they loved hanging together!
Reese is 9 months - I guess she digs those older boys :) haha 

Here is Ryan showing Reese the door- he is a BIG fan. It's gonna be trouble when he figures out how to open them!

Here are these two playing on the couch together. Ryan LOVED jumping on the couch - he was having so much fun with Scott. If he could talk he would have said "Again, again, again.....and again"

And check out these two scrumptious little men! Jack & Ben!

One quick pic before the kiddos had to hit the hay! Wish everyone could have made it - now that we don't have any weddings its hard to get us all together. We started planning a trip so hopefully we will actually pull it all together because I think it would be super fun!

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