Monday, September 12, 2011

No More To Go: Week 2

Don't worry - I didn't give up already. I wanted to cook last week but Kevin was gone three out of my four cooking nights so I wasn't about to cook a big ol meal for myself. So here is the plan for this week. I used one recipe from last weeks menu since I didn't get to make anything. The other two are from this week - with alterations for the sides.

Monday: Jumbo Pasta Shells - Meat and Spinach with Ricotta and green salad 
Tuesday: Bacon wrapped tenderloin with spinach and mushrooms
Wednesday: leftovers
Thursday: Grilled lemon & basil chicken with parmesan crusted zucchini and fresh tomatoes
Friday: dine out

Monday review:
We both really loved it. It was easy to make and it makes A LOT! (I filled this and another smaller pan) We have so much leftover...which is fine since Kevin will take to work. I am also going to try and give some to Ryan tomorrow - who knows, he might like it. Thumbs up!

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