Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mother's Day Out

Today was Ryan's 1st day at preschool. Wowzers! It''s a little surreal that it is already here - considering I had to register him back in JANUARY! I love spending my days with my bug but I have to admit it is nice to know that I have two days a week where I can schedule appointments, work out, run errands, without having to worry about the little dude getting angry. Anyhow, we were ready for the big day and I think he had a great time!
The morning started out fantastic - I woke up early to make him lunch and get everything prepared. We went on our morning walk with Stacey and Jack and then came home to get ready for school. When we got home from our walk things started falling apart. Ok not really, BUT I had everything planned out in my head and it was totally not going that way. Ryan's shorts didn't fit, he hated his Toms, I couldn't find his comb and he didn't eat much for breakfast so he was already getting hungry! We left anyways (I was a tad flustered) but we made it. Perhaps I was feeding him a banana as we drove - yes I know, not the safest drive ever but he was hungry. 

Anyhow, when we stepped in the building he busted out his charm. BIGGEST smile ever walking down the hallway - just giving all those moms who dropped their kiddos (trying not to cry) the biggest GRIN ever. Lot's of smiles back. When we showed up in class there were some screamers but my little man gave a smile to greet the teachers. I didn't do much without my man and I was ready an anxious for 2:30 to roll around. When I went to get my sizzle bug I saw him playing with a new little friend. Once he realized I was there he gave out a HUGE scream. He was happy to get in my arms - ugh what a cutie! He had a great first day but I can't wait for the day when he can actually TELL me about it! I can't wait to have a conversation with my little man! I think he had a fun day and will be excited to go back on Thursday. Mommy is headed to Ikea on Thursday...wohoo!

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