Sunday, August 14, 2011

iPhone dump

We have had a busy past few weeks and are enjoying our little vacation in H-town. I had a ton of pictures on my iphone so I thought I would share!
Little Jack sizzle and Ryan after one of our morning walks!

Our neighborhood mommy happy hour group - so much fun! This was Mica's last day :( so sad that she is moving to Houston. 

Ryan was clapping here and I thought it was cute.

I like how Harper and Madelyn are just looking at Ryan here...

Our morning walking crew. Yes, we are those mom's walking through the neighborhood taking up the entire street and causing you to be late.... 
Madelyn telling Ryan goodbye

Mica & Madelyn

And going in for a kiss...

Hanging out in Houston with one of the coolest older ladies that he knows! Oh and Woody

Just chatting over some apple juice

Ryan discovering new toys....girl toys....

Eating dinner with the Aston's...Ryan LOVED the fire...Thompson on the other hand did not...

Reading The Tickle Monster (one of the cutest books I have ever seen!)

The Tickle Monster made an appearance!

And this is just one of my favorite pics of my little man. Kevin texted this picture to me when I was out with the girls and it was just so darn stinkin' cute! Had to share!

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