Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Montana Trip

We had a blast visiting Kevin's parents up in Montana. His sister Sarah and her kids were also in town visiting so it made for a fun time!

We left Dallas on a Wednesday around 11:45am and after a stop in Denver we arrived in Kalispell around 3 in the afternoon. Ryan was so excited when he saw grandma & grandpa waiting for him in the airport! On a side note, traveling with Ryan was a bit different this time - much more challenging :) He is a busy little man and wasn't really interested in napping. All in all he was a good trooper - just more challenging this time around. He wasn't to thrilled with the 40 minute car ride to the house but we finally arrived and it was worth it - I think Ryan would agree with that as well.

When we arrived Ryan happily greeted his cousins and went straight to playing! He was so happy to be able to stretch out those little legs of his. We hung around the house and Mike & Mary cooked up some yummy dinner . The next morning Ryan actually slept in! I couldn't believe it. I think we finally got up around 8am (which is 9am Dallas time - and that is just unheard of!)

View from back porch - Ryan with Aunt Sarah

Every morning was so nice and relaxing. We were usually the first ones up (not the first day!) Anyhow, we would get up and grab coffee and hang out in the playroom. One by one more family would wake up and join us in the playroom and kitchen area. There is something so wonderful about having a big family all together - plus it was great entertainment for Ryan! The kids would have pancakes/waffles and sausage and then we would get ready for the day.

We made a plan of action for the week:
Thursday - Relax at the house (long walk by the lake, tubing, boat ride)
Friday - Visit Kerr Damn & Farmer's Market in Polson
Saturday - Wild Horse Island
Sunday - Big Mountain & Whitefish town
Monday - Men went fly fishing and we went to water park
Tuesday - Glacier National Park - Avalanche Lake Hike
Wednesday - Heading back home :(

To me, this was the PERFECT amount of activities and relaxation time. Most of the time our activities would take place mid-morning to early afternoon and we were home in time to sit out by the lake and of course start happy hour at 5! The weather was absolutely amazing - it was so nice to be able to sit outside without sweating. I even had to bust out long sleeves!

We had so much fun and I know Ryan is going to LOVE going up to Montana each summer as he grows up. It was so nice to get away from everything and to get outside so much! I remember growing up and playing out in the woods at my Yia Yia and Papu's camp in Pennsylvania. It was so much fun catching salamanders, playing with my brothers in the creek in the woods and roasting marshmallow in the campfire at night - such fun childhood memories and I can't wait for Ryan to make his own up in Montana.

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