Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband, my dad and my father-in-law! I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday! I'll speak for Kevin and say that we had a great day :)

I made this adorable sign using the father's day free printable from Shindig Parties. It looked super cute and fit perfectly in the opening between the kitchen and dining/living room area. Kevin expected nothing less. lol.
Considering Kevin didn't even know Father's Day was this weekend he didn't have any big expectations. In fact, at one point he told me the one thing he wanted to do was go up the the office and clean up his space for about 2 hrs. He eventually rethought that plan and we were able to spend the entire day together as a family. 

Kevin is a typical guy - he never wants anything so buying a present for him is always difficult. He never wants anyone to make a big deal of anything (birthday included) but he knows that I will try to so he has started to accept it.  I knew I wanted to make him something because he would appreciate that more. So for Father's day Ryan made him a gift for his new office. We found a frame at Michaels with three slots for pictures and put a recent picture in the middle and then got his foot print and hand print - which was not an easy task! 

I also ended up buying two things, but they were small, so it was ok. On one of my many trips to Homegoods I came across this mini burger grilling tool that I thought was cute and fun - besides who doesn't love sliders?  Lastly, if you know Kevin you know he LOVES to sip tequila. I noticed he was a little low on the tequila supply so we replenished his stash. I think he was happy - but I also know he would have been happy if there weren't any gifts. 

I also made this AMAZING (if I don't say so myself) cake. It is a recipe that I got from my neighbor and it's so yummy! I will post the recipe soon and I highly recommend making it!

We had some friends and family over to celebrate. Kevin's sister and their two oldest kids are in Seattle visiting friends so Michael and Audrey came over to join us. They got here first which worked out great because we were able to Skype with grandma and grandpa. Here they are enjoying some apps and skyping!

Next up was playing outside in the 100+ heat in our little blow up pool. We huddled into the one section of our yard that was covered in shade. It was pretty funny how squished we were but I think the kiddos were entertained for a little while, so it served its purpose. 

I think Audrey expected a real pool but she was still happy. 

Our neighbors came over as well - so much fun!

Ryan being all serious staring our Johnny.

SWEET little Jack made an appearance!! This was my first time to meet him and he is adorable!

Audrey was very serious about her goggles

Stacey and her little man. Stacey looks amazing - it's hard to believe she had a baby two weeks ago! And ugh I cannot get enough of the little man - he is so tiny - how quickly you forget!

I got to hold him for a little while - Ryan was not thrilled with this. He was definitely JEALOUS!

Johnny feeding little Madelyn

Sweet Jackson! 

Audrey was a fan of the balls and the wagon. She packed it up and then decided to rest - so cute! We had such a great time and are so happy our friends were able to come over and hang out for a while. 

Next up --> kevin's birthday! He turns 31 on Thursday!

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