Wednesday, October 25, 2017

What's Up Wednesday - October

So I thought I would try and jump back in here...and WUW seemed like a good place to start!

1. What we're eating this week
This week is a little crazy with TWO school fundraising events, but it's always nice to not worry about dinner! Especially when you are eating some of your favorite things!
We decided to start "Meatless Monday's" here at the McDonough house. But...since we went out Monday night, our meatless meal will be Tuesday. We are very flexi with our meals :)  Bringing back my black bean mom use to make this ALL the time for me in college. Seriously, I would bring a big pot back after every was amazing. I hope my kids think so too!
Leftovers & whatever my kids eat on the practices starting at 5:30 make dinner tricky on Wednesdays. When we leave the house at 5:20 no one is hungry. But 10 minutes later when we arrive at practice they are ALL starving! What the wha???  So I bring dinner and they eat on the run. 
We decided between the Lakewood Halloween Party and the J L Long fun run - and the fun run won! We have never done it but hear it is a lot of fun - plus the t-shirts are glow in the dark and the kids are excited about that! What could be better than a little run with friends then food truck burgers & a band? Looking forward to it!

Something EASY because clearly I have outdone myself this week! Lol - But I need to prep my chili and party supplies for our Annual Carving Party tomorrow.  We will probably just order pizza or grab Liberty Burger.

2. What I'm reminiscing about
Halloween babies are getting so BIG! And the costumes aren't as fun now that they have opinions. lol

3. What I'm loving
The Beautycounter Holiday Collection. Specifically the illuminating trio - check me out! :) 
This Trio is valued at $111 and it's yours for only $55! Hot damn!

4. What we've been up to
SJE Carnival (post coming)
Houston (post coming)

5. What I'm Dreading
my alarm clock...

6. What I'm Working on
- 7th Annual Pumpkin Carving Party this Saturday
Throwback to our First Pumpkin Carving party back in 2011! 

- Fall Festival Party for Ryan's class: There are six 1st grade classes and each room is a different activity for the kiddos! Think cookie decorating, arts & craft, guest reader, ect...and our class is in charge of the Monster Mash. I am working on learning an easy dance to teach all of the first graders & we made some cute Monster party favors!

- Making sure we the kids have all their costume accessories for Halloween! 

7. What I'm excited about
- Farmer's Market Field Trip with Ryan's class next Friday
- Pilates Training - I have decided to take the plunge and become Lagree certified! I have thought about this for a while now and the opportunity came up, so I went for it! Training starts next month!
- The Holidays & festivities!

8. What I'm watching and reading

When I was in Houston MK recommended The Couple Next Door and I was sucked in - seriously, I lost sleep because I couldn't stop reading. I loved it, but it had me so darn sucked in I wasn't really productive until I finished it. So I don't want to start anything new for a while. I'll stick to audible in the car for now...

9. What I'm listening to
Monday night training calls
Taylor Swift (cause I can't stop)
Football (cause it's always on...)

10. What I'm wearing
Jeans & front tuck tops. I love the front tuck...Kevin always makes fun of me but this girl don't care.
oh & Work out clothing. 

11. What I'm doing this weekend
- Pottery Barn Kids Knox/Henderson Beautycounter Trunk Show - I'll be there from 11-3 Saturday! It's Partners Card weekend so come shop & stop by to see our Holiday collection :) 
- Pumpkin Carving Party (how many times am I going to mention this?)

12. What I'm looking forward to next month
- Wurstfest? I just found out that I will be in training for my Lagree fitness certification during the weekend we had planned to go down to New Braunsfels. I am bummed to miss but I think Kevin might still try and take the kiddos down! 
- Broken Bow Weekend with friends
-Obviously I am excited for my Pilates Training & Certification classes! I will be attending workshops for three weekends (Sat/Sun 12-5) 
- Friendsgiving - our first ever! 
- And of course, Thanksgiving!

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